(AP) - The village has a technology of great change in the "who is successful, people fail".
Apple is still the bright spot in 2011, whereas, despite the impressive
Android phone market segment, but on the tablets are the results of
"red tape".
Along the side of "success" of technology in the village in 2011:
Supercomputer Watson
Supercomputer Watson won two outstanding champions of the game's most successful leading U.S. television called Jeopardy! As Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter in the "war" lasted three days. Watson contains 2,800 Power 7 processor on 10 blade servers. POWER7
systems can provide the first capability to analyze millions of data
items and handle thousands of tasks simultaneously with very high speed,
an area where previously only new supercomputer performance be.
"Assistant" Siri of Apple
4S iPhone is not Apple's innovative products as required by the technology. However, Apple has impressed with "her assistant" Siri, can recognize voice commands and respond to the user. Although
Android and Windows Phone has joined the "territory", but Siri one step
further with the ability to "translate" natural language, rather than
to rely on the instructions of the text.
Amazon Kindle tablet Fire
Kindle Fire really successful with the number of orders impressive. The tablet of the Amazon became the first "candidate" brightest to "dethrone" iPad. With
a super cheap price - 199 USD, Kindle Fire was seen as "way" of the
Amazon risky business - accept loss of hardware, but will "harvest" in
the content services supported on the Kindle Fire.
Samsung Galaxy
Apple is not the only company producing smartphones. Recent survey by Strategy Analytics and IDC found that Samsung has surpassed Apple in smartphone sales. Galaxy SII line phone with slim design helped Samsung has been a bumper year. Manufacturers also are impressed with your phone Note Galaxy "giant" and Galaxy Nexus.
Apple iPad 2
Set design thinner, lighter and faster processing speed, Apple has made the competition "bewildered" by the iPad 2 her. The market tablets, iPad is still an 'on'. "Apple" iPad has sold 40 million as of May 10/2011.
Camera Lytro
In the smartphone era threatened the existence of a digital camera then Lytro has starred in a new revolution in the photography industry. The camera "shoot first, focus later" Lytro special design both in the long, rectangular. Lytro allows the user to focus the image after shooting. Lytro will be sold in 2012.
Google Chrome Browser
Browser Google Chrome is threatening the market share of rivals Firefox. Rapid pace of development was rushing to help Google Chrome quickly captured more than 25% market share in the browser market. And most likely, Chrome will be the biggest challenge of Internet Explorer in 2012.
The product failed in 2011
Windows Phone 7
Windows Phone 7 be appreciated by Metro UI interface design beautiful, creative and responsive, even integration with Xbox. However, until this point, the market seems to be the "indifferent" to the phones that run this operating system. According to a survey by Gartner, Microsoft has sold 1.6 million Windows Phone in 3 months in 2011.
Meanwhile, the latest survey by ComScore found that the phone runs
Windows Phone operating system accounts for only 5.8% of smartphone
market share in the U.S., down from 13.2% over 2010. Windows Phone 7 as well be "processed" by the slow updates to improve functionality.
Android tablet computer "hanging together" of death
The first tablet of RIM initially be seen as "bright spots" in the market by the iPad tablet control.
However, high price, not prominent features and RIM software error led
to "great discount" PlayBook after admitting his company sold just
500,000 tablets on the market.
Meanwhile, HP is also surprising in 2011 when the technology village
relinquishes its WebOS operating system and the "great discount"
Dell Streak 7 tablet has quickly after death, "his" Streak 5 inch "premature death". Streak 7 is the next version of Streak 5 but is filled with software bugs, bad interface, low-resolution screen.
The main problem of this tablet is the price too high, can hardly
compete with rival Android tablet iPad and numerous other prominent
"Buy generic" Facebook Deals
Also running for the "joint purchase" of Groupon and LivingSocial Deals Facebook service but exists only in four months. Facebook "light" declared " bankrupt "service" joint purchase "her to" give ground "for the competition, especially Groupon.
Security vulnerabilities of Sony
The issue of security of the Sony is the subject discussed in 2010 when a lot of system services PlayStation Network is the company's continuous attacks by hackers. Many of the Sony web site has been "defeated" over 20 times in a row since last April.
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