Friday, December 23, 2011

Theft "beads" of more than 5,000 tablets of RIM humid

(AP) - While RIM acknowledged himself tablet PlayBook its too bad, so it's hard to find people to get it even if not, recently, a thief has "socks press" PlayBook stolen goods when valued at up to 1.7 million.
Specifically, the Chesterfield Police (Canada) said that a truck carrying 22 barrels of BlackBerry PlayBook tablet, with a tablet of 5200, the total value up to USD 1.7 million was stolen on the afternoon of the 5th week.

According to a police officer Mike Milbourn the car robbery occurred when the driver stopped the car at the roadside to eat and wash. When this driver returned an hour later, his truck "is wiped out."

Besides the loss of all the goods on the vehicle, the driver said that his personal items such as computers, credit cards and clothes to the car as well.

Not easy for thieves consumed 5,200 PlayBook tablet

Reportedly, the driver was driving 22 barrel shipments PlayBook tablet Plainfield city to Ontario, Canada.

Police said the distribution center in Plainfield RIM does not install any device on the track trace your shipment.

In order for an investigation, the Chesterfield police asked the FBI to help, but there is currently no trace or suspects related to the theft.

BlackBerry PlayBook is a tablet-sized 7-inch was released in April RIM past, but this is considered a failure of the maker of Canada.

During the first launch, RIM has been the most successful of the PlayBook, reaching 500 thousand units sold in the first quarter. However, this number was quickly reduced to 200 thousand units in the quarter after that, and this number continues to drop to 150 thousand in Q3 of this product.

With a total of 700 thousand units sold in the second quarter after the first issue is too small, compared with 2-3 million units, according to RIM's proposed plan. Not only that, meager sales in the months after that RIM has led to continually reduce the retail price of their products, from its original 499 USD 300 USD down at the end of September, and even then the price was reduced to 199 USD in a few retail stores in Canada and the U.S. in November due to low market demand.

Return to the theft, just that when RIM itself acknowledged that the BlackBerry PlayBook is a failure and it is difficult to consume them even to zero, then the 5200 tablet "beads" are, not necessarily the name sock thief has a good deal in this mission.

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